Experimental Printing Workshop
DATE(s): June 2011
TIME: 9:00-1:30
LOCATION: Queen Margaret’s School, Escrick Park York YO19 6EU
A printing workshop uses Themochromatic pigment, UV pigment and Scent Pigment to create responsive surfaces that interact with our surroundings.
To find out more:


Craft-Tonic Experiment Workshop
DATE(s): 12 April 2014
TIME: 9:00-4:00
LOCATION: Auckland University of Technology (AUT)
This is a tectonic smart textiles workshop. During the workshop we will explore open source ‘technology’ from nature and artificial power, such as moisture, heat, wind and electricity to create shape shift in textiles through craft.
This hands-on workshop will experiment with different material in action, from smart by nature to smart by electronics. Participants will also investigate different materials with shape memory behaviour from natural to artificial, from smart veneer to shape memory alloy.
To find out more:

Photo Credit: Grace Wang

Photo Credit: Grace Wang

Ad Asia 2015 Taipei
TEDxTaipei Inspiration from 5 Senses
DATE(s): 22-25 November 2015
LOCATION: Taipei Marriott Hotela
To find out more:

Nature Tech_ Bio Chorme Workshop for Detour 2014: Co-Create
DATE(s): November 28 to December 7, 2014
TIME: 10:30am to 10:00pm
LOCATION: PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong
Do you love design challenges ? Are you a designer, student, innovator, business owner, eco-conscious buyer, nature lover or tech addict ? Do you want to know more about Bio-mimicry, bio-extraction design, Edible material and biodegradable pigments ? Are you ready to play with colors and to discover how to make wood dance and fabric becomes a paper cup ?
A special workshop and let the techno-fairy play the game.
To find out more:
For further inquiry please contact thefabricklab@gmail.com
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